Bob Blake Appointed to Governor's Workforce Development Board

Congratulations to Bob Blake of Red Lake Nation on his appointment to Governor Walz's Workforce Development Board!Bob is on the staff of Minnesota Interfaith Power & Light, a founding member organization of the Just Solar Coalition. Bob started one of Minnesota's first minority-owned solar companies, Solar Bear. He brings experience creating job opportunities for diverse communities in the solar industry. Bob played a key role in launching the Returning Relatives Initiative, a prison-to-solar training program at the Willow River Correctional Facility. The program is a collaboration Minnesota Interfaith Power & Light, the Minnesota Department of Corrections, the Willow River Correctional Facility, and the Midwest Renewable Energy Association, with funding from the McKnight Foundation.He is also currently working with Ralph Jacobson, CEO of IPS Solar to finance a solar array with energy storage on Red Lake Nation’s "Oshki ima aji tah dah" workforce development campus. Bob's company Solar Bear will employ tribal members to build the array.We're excited that he'll be contributing his voice, background, and enthusiasm to help shape state workforce programs!Read the official press release here.


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