Educate & Inspire

We work to educate the public about disparities in the solar industry and energy system and build moral commitment to equity.

Energy issues are often shrouded in technical jargon and regulatory-speak, veiling how energy is intertwined with issues of racial and economic justice and concealing the power imbalances within our energy system. Energy decisions are made through processes that lack democracy and prevent the voices of the most impacted from being heard.

Our members work to break down the barriers for communities to learn about and act on energy issues through education, outreach, and organizing. We believe that regular people, especially those most heavily impacted by energy decisions, should be empowered with the knowledge of how energy affects their lives and their communities and ability to be a part of energy decision-making processes.

We know that:

  • Across both Minnesota and the US, Black, Indigenous and people of color and low-income people are more likely to experience energy insecurity—the ability to afford basic energy services.

  • Racial disparities in energy insecurity are higher in Minnesota than nationally, with 61% of Black households in the state reporting experiencing energy insecurity in 2020, compared to 14% of white households.

  • People who experience energy insecurity often face barriers to reduce bills through renewable energy and energy efficiency programs.

  • Across the country, majority Black and Hispanic census tracts have much less installed rooftop solar compared to no-majority and majority-white census tracts.

  • Meanwhile, investor-owned utilities in Minnesota are making record-breaking profits while they fail to address issues of energy insecurity and energy inequity.

Our members:

  • Educate people about our energy system in Minnesota and explore how we can make it more equitable, sustainable, and democratic

  • Educate people about the benefits of community solar, energy efficiency, solar thermal, and other technologies and connect them to opportunities

  • Engage people around climate and energy justice policy, inspiring them to take action at the state legislature and Public Utilities Commission

  • Hold public forums for city council and mayoral candidates to express their plans on energy issues, advancing transparency and accountability

  • Work with educators, students, and young people to inspire action on climate and energy issues 

  • Work with those in faith communities to act on their moral and spiritual commitments to equity and sustainability

Read through our breakdown of how energy is intertwined with equity.

Read the story of how our members engaged communities around Xcel’s proposed 21% rate hike.

Read the story of how coalition member Minneapolis Climate Action educates communities on community solar as a tool for energy democracy.

Learn more about our members’ work: